Exclusive Collection

SKU: 8356
Brand: N/A

These isotherm tin cans keep your drinks hot for 5 hours and cold for 10 hours with their stainless steel double wall.

SKU: 1947
Brand: N/A

This soda maker will allow you to get refreshed at any time of the day, with delicious fizzy drinks.

SKU: 8049
Brand: N/A

Pratique pour emporter vos sandwichs, salades et encas, la lunch box PSG vous accompagne dans tous vos déplacements.

SKU: 8050
Brand: N/A

Useful to keep your sandwiches, salads and snacks with you, the PSG lunchbox accompanies you in all your travels.

SKU: 8162
Brand: N/A

Légères, pratiques et résistantes, ces gourdes Sport de 650ml sont réutilisables à l’infini et garanties sans BPA.

SKU: 8065
Brand: N/A

Légères, pratiques et résistantes, ces gourdes Sport de 650ml sont réutilisables à l’infini et garanties sans BPA.

SKU: 8070
Brand: N/A

Cette bouteille isotherme de 260ml noire et rose garde vos boissons chaudes 12h et froides 24h grâce à sa double paroi en acier inoxydable !

SKU: 8005
Brand: N/A

Les canettes isothermes SPORT PSG, disponibles en 280ml ou 500ml !

SKU: 8454
Brand: N/A

This stainless steel isotherm bottle, is the symbol of the famous Football club Paris Saint-Germain, and also insulates your drinks thanks to its stainless

steel double-wall.

SKU: 8457
Brand: N/A

This stainless steel insualted bottle, is the symbol of the famous Football club Paris Saint-Germain, and also insulates your drinks thanks to its stainless

steel double-wall.

SKU: 8114
Brand: N/A

These insulated bottles keep your drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours with their stainless steel double wall.

SKU: 8121
Brand: N/A

This fresh new collection of cans «Players» PSG will appeal to fans of Verratti, MBappé, Neymar Jr and Kimpembe !

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